8:11 - First Game Soon To Release


I don't know who is reading this... But if anyone is, I am excited to announce (after some silence on this account) that 8:11 will get a release date soon. ✨

The set date has yet to be revealed. I am praying to make a trailer for it, but I am an essential worker, and some health issues make it difficult to get much done for personal projects.

If you are interested in what's all been changing/or anything behind the scenes for this game, you can check out this link to my art blog. [Link]

Thank you for reading, and enjoying the demo of 8:11. I never thought anyone would play my game, so it's a big surprise to me hahaha :')

Get 8:11 (Demo)


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its been 2 years 🥲

OHHHH I’m super excited!! I can’t wait to play it, thank you for all your hard work!


Thank you so much! Seeing comments like this is really motivating and nice ^^